287 research outputs found

    Computational Aspects of Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates

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    Manipulation, bribery, and control are well-studied ways of changing the outcome of an election. Many voting rules are, in the general case, computationally resistant to some of these manipulative actions. However when restricted to single-peaked electorates, these rules suddenly become easy to manipulate. Recently, Faliszewski, Hemaspaandra, and Hemaspaandra studied the computational complexity of strategic behavior in nearly single-peaked electorates. These are electorates that are not single-peaked but close to it according to some distance measure. In this paper we introduce several new distance measures regarding single-peakedness. We prove that determining whether a given profile is nearly single-peaked is NP-complete in many cases. For one case we present a polynomial-time algorithm. In case the single-peaked axis is given, we show that determining the distance is always possible in polynomial time. Furthermore, we explore the relations between the new notions introduced in this paper and existing notions from the literature.Comment: Published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). A short version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2013). An even earlier version appeared in the proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice 2012 (COMSOC 2012

    Határfelületek mozgása nanorendszerekben = Interface motion in nanostructures

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    Megmutattuk, hogy fázisszeparálódó rendszerekben, a koncentrációfüggő diffúziós együttható és a korlátozott oldékonyság együttes hatása egy diffúziós pár két mátrixát elválasztó határfelület eltolódásának kinetikáját befolyásolja atomi/nano skálán. A határfelület eltolódása nem a klasszikus elméletekből várt négyzetgyökös időfüggést mutatja (anomális diffúzió). Ezt kísérletileg is igazoltuk. Megmutattuk, hogy a korlátlan oldékonyságú rendszerekben végbemenő diffúziós eredetű határfelület-élesedés (DEHÉ) különböző eredetű feszültségek létrejötte, megléte esetén is végbemegy. A feszültségek csak a folyamat kinetikáját befolyásolják. Ezzel egyértelművé vált, hogy a DEHÉ egy a természetben létező jelenség lehet. Ezt később kísérletileg igazoltuk is. Modellszámolásaink megmutatták, hogy a fázis szeparációs rendszerekben korábban megjósolt úgynevezett ""surfactant"" jelenség reális rendszerekben gyakorlatilag nem létezik. Ezen eredményeink után számolásainkat kiterjesztettük olyan irányba, melyek segíthetnek a reakció diffúzió atomisztikus megértésében, azaz amikor a diffúziós zónában (DZ) rendezett fázis is létrejöhet. Atomisztikus modellre támaszkodva egy lehetséges feloldását adtuk a diffúziós irodalomban régen fennálló paradoxonnak, miszerint a DZ növekedésének sebessége tart a végtelenhez az idő csökkenésével, másképpen fogalmazva az atomi áram tart a végtelenhez. Továbbá az ún. reakciókinetikai együttható atomisztikus értelmezését is megadtuk. | We have shown that in phase separating systems, the shift kinetics of the interface separating the two matrixes in a diffusion couple is influenced on the atomic/nano scale by the composition dependent diffusion coefficient and the restricted solubility. The interface shift is not proportional to the square root of the time as expected from the classical theories (anomalous diffusion). We have also proved it experimentally. We have shown that an initially diffused interface may sharpen by diffusion in completely miscible systems even considering different types of stresses. The stress effects influence only the kinetics of the process. These results also hinted that the interface sharpening must have been a real phenomenon. Later we have proved it experimentally, too. Our computer simulations have shown that so-called ''surfactant'' phenomenon in phase separating systems which was predicted previously by other authors practically does not exist in real systems. Later, we have extended our calculations to understand the atomistic details of reaction diffusion, i.e. when an ordered phase growths in the diffusion zone (DZ). On the basis of an atomistic model, we show a possible resolution of a long standing diffusion paradox, according to which the growth rate of DZ tends to infinite with decreasing time. In other words the atomic current tends to infinite. Moreover, we have also given the atomistic meaning of the so-called reaction kinetics coefficient

    Az embrionális GAD formák szerepe a fejlődő szagló-rendszerben = Role of Embryonic GAD Forms in the Developing Olfactory System

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    Mindkét GAD gén kifejeződik a 10 napos egér embrió szagló plakódjában. Az expresszió a későbbiekben a szaglóhámban marad meg. Két részlegesen átfedő GABAerg sejtpopulációt azonosítottunk a fejlődő frontonazális nyúlványban: ezek a vándorló LHRH+/GAD65+eGAD+ sejtcsoport és az un. "migratory mass" (MM), amely GAD67+(eGAD)/OMP+ sejteket tartalmaz. A GAD65 jelenlétét először sikerült azonosítanunk a vándorló LHRH+ sejtekben. A GAD65 expresszió 1 hónapos korig folytatódik a már nem vándorló LHRH tartalmú idegsejt populációban is. A felnőtt GAD67 gyakorlatilag nem mutatható ki a frontonazális nyúlványban. Ebben a struktúrában a GAD67 génről alternetív "splicing" mechanizmussal képződő embrionális GAD a fő GAD fehérjeforma. A GAD65 hiányos egérben az LHRH neuronok vándorlása a GABAA receptor gátlásához hasonló módon zavart: a vándorlás sebessége fokozódott és iránya az előagyban megváltozott. A GAD67 hiánya nem befolyásolta jelentősen az LHRH+ sejtek vándorlását. Ennek valószínű magyarázata az, hogy a GAD67 KO egerekben az embrionális GAD mennyisége megnövekedett. | 1) Both GAD genes are expressed in the mouse embryo as early as E10 in the olfactory placode. The expression later is maintained in the olfactory epithelium (OE). 2) We have found that, except for the OE, there are two partially overlapping GABAergic lineages in the developing frontonasal process: the migratory LHRH+/GAD65+/eGAD+ and the migratory mass (MM), which is: GAD67+(eGAD)+/OMP+. The identification of GAD65 in the migratory LHRH+ cells is a novel result. 3) GAD65 expression in the LHRH lineage continues in the post-migratory LHRH+ neurons until the first month postnatally. 4) The adult GAD67 is barely expressed in the frontonasal process, instead, the alternatively spliced embryonic GAD is the predominant GAD derived from the GAD67 gene. 5) The absence of GAD65 in GAD65 KO mice impared the migration of LHRH+ cells in a way similar to the effect of GABA- A-R inhibitors, namely, enhanced speed of migration and change in direction of migration in the forebrain part of the migratory route. 6) The absence of GAD67 in GAD67 KO mice is not so pronounced, probably due to up-regulation of embryonic GAD

    How Privacy Regulations Could Better Tackle Challenges Stemming from Combining Data Sets

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    Modern information and communication technology practices present novel threats to privacy. This paper focuses on some shortcomings in current privacy and data protection regulations' ability to adequately address the ramifications of some AI-driven data processing practices, in particular where data sets are combined and processed by AI systems. We raise attention to two regulatory anomalies related to two fundamental assumptions underlying traditional privacy and data protection approaches: (1) Only personally identifiable information (PII)/personal data require privacy protection: Privacy and data protection regulations are only triggered with respect to PII/personal data, but not anonymous data. This is not only problematic because determining whether data falls in the former or latter category is no longer straightforward, but also because privacy risks associated with data processing may exist whether or not an individual can be identified. (2) Given sufficient information provided in a transparent and understandable manner, individuals are able to adequately assess the privacy implications of their actions and protect their privacy interests: We show that this assumption corresponds to the current societal consensus on privacy protection. However, relying on human privacy expectations fails to address some important privacy threats, because those expectations are increasingly at odds with the actual privacy implications of data processing practices, as most people lack the necessary technical literacy to understand the sophisticated technologies at play, not to mention correctly assess their privacy implications.Comment: 18 page

    Internet-based CSR communication of Hungary's top enterprises

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    Since the publication of the Bruntland Report (1987) the concept of sustainable development has been widely known, and increasingly becoming the core of all time media, political and scientific discussion. More and more say in connection with sustainable development that this goal can not be achieved without the approval of the business sphere or corporate social responsibility. In the first part of our essay we introduce the definition of CSR, and in the upcoming chapters we present the summary of CSR connected articles published in the inland and scientific periodicals. In our opinion the way and quantity a scientific topic is displayed in the written press is determining for the scientific sphere. Corporate social responsibility has gone through a great change in the last few years in Hungary. More and more related articles, books, conferences, trainings, tender opportunities are available that supports the fact that today this topic is actual and relevant in Hungary. Furthermore we provide a short summary about the articles in connection with communication, namely who has written what in this issue so far. Finally in the fourth chapter we present our empirical research, where the main research question is whether there is difference in the communication through the internet among the TOP 1-50, TOP 51-100 and TOP 101-200 companies.corporate social responsibility, sustainability, communication